Thursday, January 17, 2008

Beagle Misery....

The top ten things that irritate beagles:

Ten: When you don't buy a squeaky toy every day.

Nine: Being left alone for an HOUR.

Eight: You don't hug them every moment of your life.

Seven: You ran out of treats.

Six: You make cookies, and don't share them with the dog

Five: There's no mud outside to roll in.

Four: At dinner, nobody drops food on the floor

Three: The lid of the trash won't move or it's empty

Two: You were late to feed them.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Jilly Trapped in Snow Globe

Jilly was trapped in a snow globe Tuesday, police and rescue workers say. "I was scared, I thought I was never getting out, Jilly said earlier this morning. "I'm out, and the only thing hurt is my dignity."

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Alfie On Thanksgiving

Alfie was hospitalized last night owing to eating too much turkey. "I like turkey!" Alfie protested last night, after doctors put him in critical condition. Unfortunately, the hospital dinner last night was turkey. He'll be better soon, we have him on turkey painkillers.

It's Thanksgiving!

I like thanksgiving! I get lots of turkey for my food, and anything that falls off the forks of people eating!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Jilly gets the Bark

Oh boy... she got the bark collar. Now she makes a low, grumbling sound instead of barking.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving from Alf and Bert!

Alfie and Bert wish you HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Bert Wins the Contest!

Bert won the contest today after a long struggle for Best In Show. He went on the Best in Show stand. He stood there, looking very noble, and he really was noble. He got thounsands of dollars worth of prizes! To vote for him in the real show, go to

and for his pet page:


Saturday, October 14, 2006

My Dogster Badge
